Young man with healthy and abundant hair

PRP for Hair Growth

in Palo Alto, California
PRP is a novel procedure that uses your own blood platelets to reverse hair loss and grow new hair.
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What is PRP?

Focusing on healing and renewal.

Platelets are one of blood's four main components (the other three are red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma). Platelets help cells to grow and regenerate. Platelets are about five times more concentrated in PRP than in conventional blood, as the phrase "platelet-rich plasma" suggests. Platelets generate growth factors that are supposed to aid in wound healing and tissue renewal, hence this concentration of platelets is beneficial.

How does PRP for Hair Loss work?

Plasma rich in platelets.

After researchers discovered that large concentrations of platelets in plasma cells can boost hair development by prolonging the growing phase of the hair cycle, dermatologists began utilizing PRP. 

Doctors inject plasma into the scalp to reverse hair loss. Injections are usually given monthly for three months, then stretched out across three or four months for up to two years. Your injection schedule will be determined by your genetics, hair loss pattern and severity, age, and hormones.

Man's side profile, smiling with healthy hairTextured Background

Promising Results

Recent studies support PRP therapy's efficacy. Researchers in India looked at males with male-pattern baldness who took both approved drugs but noticed no difference in their hair growth in a 2014 study. They experienced about 30% greater growth in thinning areas after four PRP treatments. Male patients had more hair and density in regions where doctors employed PRP therapy, according to a 2017 study out of Italy. It takes about three months to notice a difference. After that period, the majority of male and female patients regrow 30 percent to 40% of their lost hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I expect to see the outcomes?

In most cases, patients notice improvements in 3 to 6 months. The response time, however, may vary.

What is the duration of PRP treatment?

It takes roughly 30-45 minutes during a routine office appointment.

Can I resume my normal routine following the PRP treatment?


Will PRP treatment work on a balding area?

It works best when thinning hair already exists.

Will PRP be effective for me?

This treatment has a personalized response with a range of effectiveness. It isn't always effective. Patients are tracked to see how effective the treatment is.

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*Results may vary and are not guaranteed