DOT Exam

DOT physical examination
If you're looking for a DOT physical, you've come to the right place. Our team at RejuveenMD are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration certified medical examiners. They have been working with and examining drivers for years and understand how important it is that you pass your test. They also know how improved lifestyle choices and healthier habits can protect your livelihood, and he'll be glad to discuss these options with you during your exam.
How to prepare for your physical
A DOT physical at RejuveenMD only takes about 30 minutes. We accept cash and all major credit cards. To prepare for the exam, here's a checklist of things you should bring to the exam (where applicable):
- Photo identification
- List of medications from your Doctor, including strength and dosage, for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs
- Eyeglasses
- Hearing aids
- Copy of your most recent stress test (for heart conditions)
- Copy of your latest sleep test result (for sleep apnea)
- If you have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine, your last 30 days usage report
- If you have sleep apnea and use a dental appliance, please bring in
- If you are diabetic, your most recent A1C numbers from your doctor

Frequently Asked Questions
A Dot exam is a Department of Transportation (DOT ) physical examination needed for jobs in this department. A Dot exam can only be done by a licensed “medical examiner.” A licensed “medical examiner” includes doctors of osteopathy (DO), doctors of chiropractic (DC), advanced practice nurses (APN), and doctors of medicine (MD).
A Dot exam can help determine if you are fit for a CDL related job. Federal law states that CDL holders must take periodic physical examinations, termed “Department of Transportation Medical Examination”. This exam is given to drivers to make sure they can safely drive a commercial vehicle. This ‘Medical Examiner’s Certificate’ is referred to as a ‘DOT medical card’ by truck drivers and trucking companies. There are certain medical requirements you must pass, according to the US Department of Transportation. These requirements include:
- Cardiac insufficiency
- 20/40 vision in each eye
- Below 160/100 for blood pressure
- You cannot be using a habit-forming drug such as narcotics or amphetamines
- Diabetes that is monitored with medication taken orally or diet
- Blood pressure medication
- If you had a cardiovascular disease, you must have taken and passed a stress test within the last 12 months.
- Make sure to tell the examiner of any recent surgeries or injuries that could affect your test results.
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