Mature woman with blonde hair smiling with wrinkle-free skin

PRP for Facial Rejuvenation

in Palo Alto, California
PRP improves overall skin texture, decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, and plumps hollowing areas such as tear trough grooves, cheeks, and temples
Before After

What is PRP?

Experiment better skin.

PRP stimulates repair and boosts mesenchymal progenitor stem cell proliferation by containing growth and healing factors. PRP's natural healing mechanism boosts the body's efforts by providing a larger concentration of platelets to the affected area. To make PRP, a small sample of your blood is taken (similar to a lab test sample) and spun at high speeds in a centrifuge, which separates the plasma and platelets from the other blood components. The procedure yields a highly concentrated platelet solution with helpful development factors. The PRP can then be used for sport’s injuries, facial rejuvenation, for hair growth, and more!

Benefits of PRP facial rejuvenation

Healing and Renewal.
  • Increased Collagen Production
  • Improved Skin Texture & Tone
  • Improved Moisture Retention
  • Reduction of Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Woman posing with beautiful, healthy skin for PRP Facial RejuvenationTextured Background
Beautiful woman with asian features, smiling with radiant-looking skin for PRP Facial Rejuvenation

Am I a good candidate?

Love the skin you are in

We don't have time to look less than our best at all times, just as we all want to seem younger and avoid looking run-down. Traditional microneedling can cause considerable redness that lasts for five to seven days. You can reduce this downtime by include platelet-rich plasma in your treatment. The "micro-injuries" caused by microneedling are essentially healed as rapidly as they are incurred thanks to PRP.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take?

The PRP procedure may appear to take a long time. Your blood must first be drawn into syringes. The sample must next be treated in a centrifuge. Cleaning the blood to make it suitable for transfer and injection, as well as sorting the components of your blood by mass, are all part of this process. It takes very little time to draw your blood. The centrifuge will only take three to five minutes to process your blood. Finally, depending on the size and number of regions to be treated, the therapy takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.

Is there downtime?

We don't have time to look less than our best at all times, just as we all want to seem younger and avoid looking run-down. Traditional microneedling can cause considerable redness that lasts for five to seven days. You can reduce this downtime by including platelet-rich plasma in your treatment. The "micro-injuries" caused by microneedling are essentially healed as rapidly as they are incurred thanks to PRP.

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RejuveenMD Palo Alto Woman in white
Co-Founder and Director
*Results may vary and are not guaranteed