Laser Facials

in Palo Alto, California
Laser facials are a non-surgical way to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines for more youthful skin.
Beautiful woman with bright skin posing with a flower

About Laser Facials

Younger, healthier and beautiful skin

Our laser facial treatments work by firing a thin beam of light into the skin. All light waves generated by the laser have a similar wavelength to target molecules in the skin. These molecules will absorb the light and convert it into heat. As a result, you will see a reduction in blood vessels and skin redness, pigmentation, scarring, and breakouts. In addition, the skin is resurfaced to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The benefits of Laser Facials

The future of glowing skin

Laser facials are a non-surgical way to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines for more youthful skin. Their benefits include:

  • Optimal results
  • Speed and safety
  • Revolutionary care
  • Prestigious design
  • Long-lasting results
Laser FacialTextured Background
Woman with her eyes closed showing her glowing skin

How do Laser Facials work?

Love the skin you are in

Laser Facials work by firing a very narrow beam of light, where all of the light waves generated have a similar wavelength. Target molecules in the skin, known as chromophores, will absorb this light and convert it into heat to generate a desired effect. This effect may be to reduce blood vessels (and the accompanying redness), fade pigmentation, remove unwanted hair, or to resurface the skin to reduce the appearance of acne scars or fine lines.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to prepare for Laser Treatment?

Drink plenty of water and keep your skin hydrated. Avoid retinoids, like Retin-A, or Retinol, for at least three days before your appointment, and products that contain glycolic acid or anything that might make your skin more flaky than usual should not be used for at least three days before your appointment.

Book a free in-office, phone or virtual consultation to discuss your aesthetic needs.

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RejuveenMD Palo Alto Woman in white
Co-Founder and Director
*Results may vary and are not guaranteed